Aikido is unique among martial arts in that it teaches calmness and creativity in the midst of aggression .... compassion and non-violent responses towards violence .... and resolution of conflicts without harming others. Miles Kessler
The Kids and Teens who have stuck with me to learn the weapons during these limited times have advanced their knowledge of weapons practice to the point I can teach them things that are seldom taught at the various Aikido seminars. They are getting to the point that they could be showing 3rd deg. black-belt students how to do weapons at the seminars when they can start back up. As far as the adult classes go, no one has been attending except for the free classes on Thursday evenings. The father of the Indian family has finished his doctorate degree, so they will be going back to India around the beginning of the new year. So I have been teaching them Jo (walking staff) so they will have some knowledge that could be usable at some point. If the virus restrictions are lifted, some time soon, then I could teach them more empty hand stuff.
It's been a long time since I posted on this site. The Wuhan virus caused a long shut down which I used to enhance the atmosphere of the dojo. I closed off the opening along the top of the west wall, plastered it and then painted all the rafters and walls white. The whole place is brighter and gives a welcoming feel when you walk in the door. I opened back up to take students for Iaido in May. The practice inherently keeps everyone distanced and we could practice outdoors without violating the state and county mandates. I opened up for Aikido students near the end of June, but only for weapons practice, to continue to keep the social distancing.
Thursday evening, July 11th 2019. Wonderful night! We had 8 on the mats and conducted a split mat class with Nishio Style for the advanced students and Iwama Style for the junior students with some of the advanced students rotating between the styles to help the junior students. Everybody learned something new, even me. Alex, Joel and Travis were so impressed with practicing Gyaku Hanmi Irimi Nage as empty hand, then with boken (wooden sword) and later with the Jo (walking staff). This was new for Joel, Travis, Judith and Joy. I think they are beginning to understand why I refer to the Nishio Style as building the cathedral. It's so much more than the regular building.
Joy said she felt like she was on a roller coaster when she was being thrown. It's different and fun. Alex pointed out that the boken and the Jo stressed different points that enhance the empty hand, which was something I had never realized before. So that was what I learned tonight.
This is a video of Saito Sensei teaching a seminar in Japan. Maybe it's a university aikido club or perhaps multiple universities cause the average age looks like college student ages. Probably you won't be able to understand the words, but you can still understand the teaching cause it goes more by demonstration than exactly what he says. I linked it, so you should be able to just click on the url address here.
I stumbled onto an old demonstration by Nishio Sensei. It's the 11th All Japan Aikido demonstrations. I think they are up to around 57 now so this must be back in the 1960's I'm about 85-90% certain the Uke's are Nishimoto Sensei and Masuda Sensei. Everyone is so much younger than when I practiced with them. Nishimoto Sensei was my Uke and tested me for Sankyu at the old Matsuo Dojo. He just called me up near the end of class and had me do techniques. I didn't even know I was being tested. How many white belts have a 7th Dan test and Uke for you at the same time. That was special and I didn't even know it at the time. I was still pretty clueless at the time. This is the link to the video:
I received this wonderful Thank You from the woman who requested and coordinated bringing the children with Tourette Syndrome to the Saturday morning classes. She said posting this was great with her.
Simpson, Heather N.
Mon, March 2019
to Sensei Tom,
Thank you so much for welcoming our group this weekend. I know that the children loved it and really enjoyed learning the activities. In particular, while the kids were learning, the parents were bonding and connecting, which was a real bonus to Saturday.
I have taken your flyer and will hand it out whenever possible.
Your program is truly remarkable and I appreciate your kindness to the group.
Most sincerely,
Heather Simpson, OTD, MOT, OTR/L
Tourette Clinic Coordinator
Southeast Regional Centers of Excellence
UF Health Rehab Center at Fixel Center for Neurological Diseases
I received this great email complement from Nathaniel after his first class in Jodo, walking staff, last Thursday evening. It's so nice I asked him if I could post it on the website. He said he would be honored.
Dear Sensei,
Thank you for writing and for teaching a wonderful class. Having dabbled in various martial arts and numerous dojo’s over the years I have developed a good sense for quality instruction and found it in abundance on Thursday. And I feel very fortunate to be able to receive such a level of instruction within a small class (although I do not expect the class to remain small for long). The commute is a challenge but is what it is. I look forward to seeing you again on Thursday.
Best regards,
This video explains how to perform the first kata of the Aiki Toho Iaido developed by Shoji Nishio Sensei. I also explain about the cutting draw I was taught right from the start of my practice of Iaido. I did not need to change anything when I was introduced to Tasaburo Tokutomi Sensei, master of the Morinaga line of the Toyama-Ryu style of batto-jutsu, cutting of rolled rice straw matting. Here is the URL of the first Aiki Toho kata
The senior Kids students are not asking to play games at the beginning of class anymore. They now realize that the Aikido is the "play" and they have graduated to a higher level of play. I'm hearing "I love this technique." or "This is my favorite Bo kata". And just a few months ago the statements were "This is hard." Now it has become "This is fun."
I have decided to offer extra discounts of extra classes for parents or students who help clean the dojo while their kids or teens are in class. I'm swamped so much of the time with keeping track of the dojo financially, keeping up the websites, doing maintenance, processing new videos and such that the cleaning is not up to snuff. I think this can work out as a win-win for the dojo and the parents.
The Aikido of Gainesville Dojo will be closed on Tuesdays during the day. I might be there to do maintenance, but I will not be teaching on Tuesdays. There will regularly be a Free Community Service Aikido Class on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 to 8pm. Tuesday Evening practices may not always be open. Please call ahead of time to determine if there will be a class that evening. Call first Jun Evangelista 352-222-0872. If no answer or Jun is not teaching, call Keith McInnis rd352-258-4725.